
Globalisation And The Internet Language: Its Impact On Standard English


Tersoo Tsumba

Department of English and Literary Studies,

College of Education, Katsina-Ala, Benue State.

The dominance of the Internet as the widest and fastest communication medium has introduced a new form of English that has further collapsed the economic, social, political, cultural and linguistic barriers. Facilitated by globalization, there is the fear that the wide spread effect of the internet would lead to degradation and decline of the standard of English language with serious implications for language education. This article examines the nature, form and style of the emerging linguistic domain in contrast to the standard of English. It concludes that though it will degrade the standard of English language, it cannot be eliminated. As such, standards should be enforced in academic fields. 

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Re-Positioning Parents-Teacher Associations (PTAS) For The Development Of Vocational And Technical Education (VTE) In Nigeria


Daniel A. Wankar

Business Education Department,

College of Education, Katsina-Ala, Benue State

PTA as a recent development in the Nigerian educational system provides enabling environment for developing quality education by serving as a link between the school and home, resource centres, raising development funds, fighting indiscipline, etc. VTE, administered under public school supervision and control, is yet to fully benefit from these PTA organisations which are battling with a myriad of problems such as poor membership, lack of interest on the part of members, corruption, and manipulation of PTA affairs. This article argues that if PTAs are properly re-positioned through application of incentives and rewards, equity participation, communication management, etc, it will go a long way in positively bringing about the long desired development of VTE in Nigeria.

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The Importance Of Farm Records And Accounting In Agricultural Production


1 Moses Utegi

2Mrs.E.N. Utegi

1Agric. Education Department,

College of Education, Katsina-Ala.

2Mathematics Education Department,

College of Education, Katsina-Ala.


This article aims at analysing the activities of the farmer on the farm of any type practiced in both physical and monetary terms. The importance of records and account to evaluate the farm performance enterprise, managerial control, budgeting, gains and losses and also to enable bank loans to be obtained if the farmer deems it fit cannot be overemphasized. The article also treated inventory records, production, expenditure and income records and special or supplementary records as it encourages diversification or expansion and success in farm management.

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Training And Retraining In Technical Vocational Education And Training (TVET) For National Transformation



1Godwin Okwoche Idoko

2Celine Ugboga Idoko


1Technical Education Department

College of Education, Katsina-Ala, Benue State

2Science Education Department,

University of Agriculture Makurdi

Not every activity produces the desired result(s). For long, teachers in our TVET programmes have been bereft of outstanding results because their skills have become obsolete and many have not been provided with opportunity to update those skills. This article calls for a revitalized and reengineered TVET programme where practitioners are frequently retrained to remain relevant in these fast changing environments. Recommendations are also made to enhance national development.

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Entrepreneurship And Entrepreneurship Education As Veritable Tools For Combating Poverty And Enhancing National Development

Daniel A. Wankar

Business Education Department,

College of Education Katsina-Ala, Benue state.

The success or failure of any government regime depends on the extent to which the masses are empowered and emancipated socially and economically. The Nigerian government has flooded the country with poverty alleviation programmes over the years, aimed at breaking the shackles of poverty that have held the vast majority of Nigerians captive. In spite of these laudable efforts, available evidence indicates that poverty level in Nigeria is still on the increase. This is principally due to the absence of entrepreneurship education which should equip the targeted beneficiaries with the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and abilities to start and run their business ventures to fast-track economic development. It is therefore advocated that for any sustainable development in Nigeria to occur, substantial efforts must be put into entrepreneurship education as the bedrock of the nation’s education programme.

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Mentoring Beginning Chemistry Teachers As A Quality Control Measure In Teacher Effectiveness In Science Education


J.D. Agbir

Samuel I. Wachin

 Department of Chemistry,

College of Education, Katsina-Ala.

 This study determined the feasibility of using mentoring as a training programme for beginning chemistry teachers. Three local government areas were randomly sampled from seven in Benue state Education zone A.  Twelve schools were purposively sampled from the three local government areas. Twenty-two beginning chemistry teachers and twelve veterans were used as sampled subjects. Six schools each were randomly assigned to control and experimental groups. The beginning chemistry teachers were observed using Chemistry Teacher’s Observation Scheduled (CTOS), as an instrument with a reliability coefficient of 0.91. Treatment of experimental group took 8 weeks after the pre-test.  Data collected were analyzed using t-test and one-way ANOVA. Three hypotheses were tested at 0.05 significant levels. The results showed that mentored beginning teachers developed high teaching competencies; that significant difference existed in teaching competencies of professionally trained teachers over their non-professional counterparts. It was recommended that mentoring should be used as a teacher support or on-the-job training programme for teachers. 

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Promoting Effective Teaching, Learning And Application Of Mathematics Through Laboratory Activities

1Godwin Gemma Apav

2Benjamin Tarvershima Ako


1Department of Mathematics,

College of Education, Katsina-Ala

2Department of Integrated Science,

College of Education, Katsina-Ala

This article points out the divergent views of mathematicians on the concept of mathematics. Nevertheless, the fact remains that mathematics is vital to the existence of individuals as well as the society at large. In order to enhance effective teaching, learning and application of mathematics in our daily activities, the article advocates the use of recently developed methods of teaching the subject such as laboratory method, project method, problem solving method which emphasize the development and utilization of techniques of teaching and assessment based on individualized observation of pupils in concepts understanding and application. The article therefore considers laboratory method of teaching mathematics at 0’level to enhance its application to technology. The case of basket weaving is considered. Four stages of weaving a basket which teach the application of concepts such as “right angle”, “ratio”, “pattern”, “circularity” and “shape” (a hemisphere) to the pupils at 0’level of education have been explained. The article finally emphasizes the use of laboratory method since it encourages the application of mathematics in real life and enhances conceptual understanding and reduction of abstract nature of mathematics.

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Frequency Of Support Programmes For Quality Assurance In Teacher Effectiveness In Science And Technology Education: Implication For The Achievement Of Vision 2020

1 Joseph D. Agbir

1 Samuel I. Wachin

2Godwin G. Apav

1Department of Chemistry, College of Education, Katsina-Ala.

2Department of Mathematics, College of Education, Katsina-Ala

This study was carried out to determine the frequency of science and technology teachers’ professional development through teacher support programmes in Benue state education zone A. A stratified random sampling technique was used to draw 210 science and technology teachers from 35 secondary schools who participated in the study.  Science and Technology Teachers Professional Development Questionnaire (STTPDQ) with a reliability of 0.89 was used for data collection.  Data obtained were analyzed using percentages.  The results of the analysed data showed that; there was a low frequency of professional development of science and technology teachers through the support programmes in class management and control; in presentation of learning experiences and methods. It was recommended that, state and federal government should embark on intensive programme of in-service training to equip all professional teachers with the skills and competencies needed to effectively participate in all aspects of curriculum development so as to be able to produce the required manpower needed to develop our economic potentials geared towards achieving vision 2020.

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